This is the main supercell API reference.


The Environment is a container for request handlers, managed objects and other runtime settings as well as the tornado.web.Application settings.

There are two cases where you will need to work with the it: during the bootstrapping phase you may change paths to look for configuration files and you will add the request handlers to the environment. In addition to that you can also use it from within a request handler in and access managed objects, such as HTTP clients that can be used accross a number of client libraries for connection pooling, e.g.

class supercell.api.environment.Environment[source]

Environment for supercell processes.

add_handler(path, handler_class, init_dict, name=None, host_pattern='.*$')[source]

Add a handler to the tornado.web.Application.

The environment will manage the available request handlers and managed objects. So in the Service.run() method you will add the handlers:

class MyService(s.Service):

    def run():
        self.environment.add_handler('/', Handler, {})
  • path (str or re.pattern) – The regular expression for the URL path the handler should be bound to.
  • handler_class (supercell.api.RequestHandler) – The request handler class
  • init_dict (dict) – The initialization dict that is passed to the RequestHandler.initialize() method.
  • name (str) – If set the handler and its URL will be available in the RequestHandler.reverse_url() method.
  • host_pattern (str) – A regular expression for matching the hostname the handler will be bound to. By default this will match all hosts (‘.*$’)
add_health_check(name, check)[source]

Add a health check to the API.

  • name (str) – The name for the health check to add
  • check (A supercell.api.RequestHandler) – The request handler performing the health check
add_managed_object(name, instance)[source]

Add a managed instance to the environment.

A managed object is identified by a name and you can then access it from the environment as an attribute, so in your request handler you may:

class MyService(s.Service):

    def run(self):
        managed = HeavyObjectFactory.get_heavy_object()
        self.environment.add_managed_object('managed', managed)

class MyHandler(s.RequestHandler):

    def get(self):
  • name (str) – The managed object identifier
  • instance (object) – Some arbitrary instance

The list containing all paths to look for config files.

In order to manipulate the paths looked for configuration files just manipulate this list:

class MyService(s.Service):

    def bootstrap(self):

Determine the configuration file name for the machine this application is running on.

The filenames are generated using a combination of username and machine name. If you deploy the application as user webapp on host fe01.local.dev the configuration name would be webapp_fe01.local.dev.cfg.


Simple property access for health checks.


Return a function that will log tornado requests.

Parameters:logger (logging.logger) – the logger that will be used for logging the requests

The dictionary passed to the tornado.web.Application containing all relevant tornado server settings.


A Service is the main element of a supercell application. It will instanciate the supercell.api.Environment and parse the configuration files as well as the command line. In the final step the tornado.web.Application is created and bound to a socket.

class supercell.api.service.Service[source]

Main service implementation managing the tornado.web.Application and taking care of configuration.


Implement this method in order to manipulate the configuration paths, e.g..


Assemble the configration files and command line arguments in order to finalize the service’s configuration. All configuration values can be overwritten by the command line.


The default environment instance.


Create the tornado.web.Appliaction instance and return it.

In this method the Service.bootstrap() is called, then Service.run() will initialize the app.


Initialize the python logging system.


Main method starting a supercell process.

This will first instantiate the tornado.web.Application and then bind it to the socket. There are two possibilities to bind to a socket: either by binding to a certain port and address as defined by the configuration (the port and address configuration settings) or by the socketfd command line parameter.

The latter is mainly used in combination with Circus (http://circus.readthedocs.org/). There you would bind the socket from circus and start the worker processes by binding to the file descriptor.


Parse the command line arguments to set different configuration values.


Parse the config files and return the config object, i.e. the tornado.options.options instance. For each entry in the Environment.config_file_paths() it will check for a general config.py and then for a file named as defined by Environment.config_name.

So if the config file paths are set to [‘/etc/myservice’, ‘./etc/’] the following files are parsed:


Implement this method in order to add handlers and managed objects to the environment, before the app is started.


Initialize the logging and return the logger.

Request handler

class supercell.api.requesthandler.RequestHandler(application, request, **kwargs)[source]

supercell request handler.

The only difference to the tornado.web.RequestHandler is an adopted RequestHandler._execute_method() method that will handle the consuming and providing of request inputs and results.


Convinience method for accessing the environment.


Convinience method for accessing the environment.


exception supercell.api.consumer.NoConsumerFound[source]

Raised if no matching consumer for the client’s Content-Type header was found.

class supercell.api.consumer.ConsumerBase[source]

Base class for content type consumers.

In order to create a new consumer, you must create a new class that inherits from ConsumerBase and sets the ConsumerBase.CONTENT_TYPE variable:

class MyConsumer(s.ConsumerBase):

    CONTENT_TYPE = s.ContentType('application/xml')

    def consume(self, handler, model):
        return model(lxml.from_string(handler.request.body))

The target content type for the consumer.

Type :supercell.api.ContentType
consume(handler, model)[source]

This method should return the correct representation as a parsed model.

Parameters:model (schematics.models.Model) – the model to convert to a certain content type
static map_consumer(content_type, handler)[source]

Map a given content type to the correct provider implementation.

If no provider matches, raise a NoProviderFound exception.

  • accept_header (str) – HTTP Accept header value
  • handler – supercell request handler
Raises :


class supercell.api.consumer.JsonConsumer[source]

Default application/json provider.

CONTENT_TYPE = ContentType(content_type='application/json', vendor=None, version=None)

The application/json ContentType.

consume(handler, model)[source]

Parse the body json via json.loads() and initialize the model.


exception supercell.api.provider.NoProviderFound[source]

Raised if no matching provider for the client’s Accept header was found.

class supercell.api.provider.ProviderBase[source]

Base class for content type providers.

Creating a new provider is just as simple as creating new consumers:

class MyProvider(s.ProviderBase):

    CONTENT_TYPE = s.ContentType('application/xml')

    def provide(self, model, handler):
        self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/xml')

The target content type for the provider.

Type :supercell.api.ContentType
static map_provider(accept_header, handler, allow_default=False)[source]

Map a given content type to the correct provider implementation.

If no provider matches, raise a NoProviderFound exception.

  • accept_header (str) – HTTP Accept header value
  • handler – supercell request handler
Raises :


provide(model, handler)[source]

This method should return the correct representation as a simple string (i.e. byte buffer) that will be used as return value.

Parameters:model (supercell.schematics.Model) – the model to convert to a certain content type
class supercell.api.provider.JsonProvider[source]

Default application/json provider.

provide(model, handler)[source]

Simply return the json via json.dumps.


Several decorators for using with supercell.api.RequestHandler implementations.


Decorator that merges the tornado.web.asynchronous() as well as the tornado.gen.coroutine() decorators.


class MyHandler(s.RequestHandler):

    def get(self, user_id):
        # ...
        raise s.Return(User())
supercell.api.decorators.cache(max_age, s_max_age=None, public=False, private=False, no_cache=False, no_store=False, must_revalidate=True, proxy_revalidate=False)[source]

Set the Cache-Control HTTP header to allow for fine grained caching controls.

For detailed information read http://www.mnot.net/cache_docs/ and http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt


def get(self):
    self.finish({'ok': True})

This would allow public caches to store the result for 10 minutes.

  • max_age (datetime.timedelta) – Number of seconds the response can be cached
  • s_max_age (datetime.timedelta) – Like max_age but only applies to shared caches
  • public (bool) – Marks responses as cachable even if they contain authentication information
  • private (bool) – Allows the browser to cache the result but not shared caches
  • no_cache (bool) – If True caches will revalidate the request before delivering the cached copy
  • no_store (bool) – Caches should not store any cached copy.
  • must_revalidate (bool) – Tells the cache to not serve stale copies of the response
  • proxy_revalidate (bool) – Like must_revalidate except it only applies to public caches
supercell.api.decorators.consumes(content_type, model, vendor=None, version=None)[source]

Class decorator for mapping HTTP POST and PUT bodies to


@s.consumes(s.MediaType.ApplicationJson, model=Model)
class MyHandler(s.RequestHandler):

    def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # ...
        raise s.OkCreated()
  • content_type (str) – The base content type such as application/json
  • model (schematics.models.Model) – The model that should be consumed.
  • vendor (str) – Any vendor information for the base content type
  • version (float) – The vendor version
supercell.api.decorators.provides(content_type, vendor=None, version=None, default=False)[source]

Class decorator for mapping HTTP GET responses to content types and their representation.

In order to allow the application/json content type, create the handler class like this:

class MyHandler(sRequestHandler):

It is also possible to support more than one content type. The content type selection is then based on the client Accept header. If this is not present, ordering of the provides() decorators matter, i.e. the first content type is used:

@s.provides(s.MediaType.ApplicationJson, model=MyModel)
class MyHandler(s.RequestHandler):
  • content_type (str) – The base content type such as application/json
  • model (schematics.models.Model) – The model that should be consumed.
  • vendor (str) – Any vendor information for the base content type
  • version (float) – The vendor version
  • default (bool) – If True and no Accept header is present, this content type is provided

Health Checks

Health checks provide a way for the hoster to check if the application is still running and working as expected.

The most basic health check is enabled by default on the /_system route. This is a very simple check if the process is running and provides no details to your application checks.

To demonstrate the idea we will describe a simple health check perfoming a request to a HTTP resource and return the appropriate result:

@s.provides(s.MediaType.ApplicationJson, default=True)
class SimpleHttpResourceCheck(s.RequestHandler):

    def get(self):
        result = self.environment.http_resource.ping()
        if result.code == 200:
            raise s.HealthCheckOk()
        if result.code == 599:
            raise s.HealthCheckError()

To enable this health check simply add this to the environment in your services run method:

class MyService(s.Service):

    def run(self):

When the service is then started you can access the check as /_system/http_resource:

$ curl ''
{"code": "OK", "ok": true}

The HTTP response code will be 200 when everything is ok. Any error, WARNING or ERROR will return the HTTP code 500. A warning will return the response:

$ curl ''
{"code": "WARNING", "error": true}

and an error a similar one:

$ curl ''
{"code": "ERROR", "error": true}
exception supercell.api.healthchecks.HealthCheckError(additional=None)[source]

Exception for health checks return values indicating a ERROR health check.

The ERROR state indicates a major problem like a failed connection to a database.

exception supercell.api.healthchecks.HealthCheckOk(additional=None)[source]

Exception for health checks return values indicating a OK health check.

exception supercell.api.healthchecks.HealthCheckWarning(additional=None)[source]

Exception for health checks return values indicating a WARNING health check.

The WARNING state indicates a problem that is not critical to the application. This could involve things like long response and similar problems.

class supercell.api.healthchecks.SystemHealthCheck(application, request, **kwargs)[source]

The default system health check.

This check is returning this JSON:

{"message": "API running", "code": "OK", "ok": true}

and its primiary use is to check if the process is still running and working as expected. If this request takes too long to respond, and all other systems are working correctly, you probably need to create more instances of the service since the current number of processes cannot deal with the number of requests coming from the outside.

get(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Run the default /_system healthcheck and return it’s result.

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