Source code for supercell.api.service

# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Truemper <truemped at>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
'''A :class:`Service` is the main element of a `supercell` application. It will
instanciate the :class:`supercell.api.Environment` and parse the configuration
files as well as the command line. In the final step the
:class:`tornado.web.Application` is created and bound to a socket.
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, with_statement

import logging
import os

import tornado.options
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.options import define

from supercell.api.environment import Environment
from supercell.api.logging import SupercellLoggingHandler

define('logfile', default='root.log', help='Filename to store the logs')

define('loglevel', default='INFO', help='Log level')

define('port', default=8080, help='Port to listen on')

define('address', default='', help='Address to bind on')

define('socketfd', default=None, help='Filedescriptor used from circus')

define('debug', default=False, help='If set, tornado is started in debug mode')

define('show_config_file_order', default=False,
       help='Show the order of config files to be parsed')

define('show_config_name', default=False,
       help='Show the local config file name')

define('show_config', default=False,
       help='Show the effective configuration')

[docs]class Service(object): '''Main service implementation managing the :class:`tornado.web.Application` and taking care of configuration.'''
[docs] def main(self): '''Main method starting a **supercell** process. This will first instantiate the :class:`tornado.web.Application` and then bind it to the socket. There are two possibilities to bind to a socket: either by binding to a certain port and address as defined by the configuration (the *port* and *address* configuration settings) or by the *socketfd* command line parameter. The latter is mainly used in combination with Circus ( There you would bind the socket from circus and start the worker processes by binding to the file descriptor. ''' app = self.get_app() server = HTTPServer(app) if self.config.socketfd: import socket sock = socket.fromfd(int(self.config.socketfd), socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.add_socket(sock) else: server.bind(self.config.port, address=self.config.address) server.start(1)'Starting supercell') IOLoop.instance().start()
[docs] def get_app(self): '''Create the :class:`tornado.web.Appliaction` instance and return it. In this method the :func:`Service.bootstrap()` is called, then :func:`` will initialize the app.''' # initialize the environment self.environment # bootstrap the service self.bootstrap() # perform all the configuration parsing self.config # hook some mgmt commands if self.config.show_config: from pprint import pprint pprint(self.config.as_dict()) raise SystemExit(1) if self.config.show_config_name: print(self.environment.config_name) raise SystemExit(1) if self.config.show_config_file_order: filename = self.environment.config_name for path in self.environment.config_file_paths: print(os.path.join(path, 'config.cfg')) print(os.path.join(path, filename)) raise SystemExit(1) # initialize logging self.initialize_logging() # add handlers, health checks, managed objects to the environment # do not allow any changes on the environment anymore. self.environment._finalize() self.environment.tornado_settings['debug'] = self.config.debug return self.environment.get_application(self.config)
[docs] def slog(self): '''Initialize the logging and return the logger.''' if not hasattr(self, '_slog'): self._slog = logging.getLogger('supercell') return self._slog
[docs] def environment(self): '''The default environment instance.''' if not hasattr(self, '_environment'): self._environment = Environment() return self._environment
[docs] def config(self): '''Assemble the configration files and command line arguments in order to finalize the service's configuration. All configuration values can be overwritten by the command line.''' if not hasattr(self, '_config'): # parse config files and command line arguments self.parse_config_files() self.parse_command_line() from tornado.options import options self._config = options return self._config
[docs] def parse_config_files(self): '''Parse the config files and return the `config` object, i.e. the `tornado.options.options` instance. For each entry in the `Environment.config_file_paths()` it will check for a general ** and then for a file named as defined by `Environment.config_name`. So if the config file paths are set to `['/etc/myservice', './etc/']` the following files are parsed:: /etc/myservice/config.cfg /etc/myservice/user_hostname.cfg ./etc/config.cfg ./etc/user_hostname.cfg .. note:: By default we disable the :py:mod:`tornado.log` module, you can enable this though using by setting the `logging` config to some valid log level string. ''' tornado.options.options._options['logging'].set('none') filename = self.environment.config_name for path in self.environment.config_file_paths: cfg = os.path.join(path, 'config.cfg') if os.path.exists(cfg): tornado.options.parse_config_file(cfg) cfg = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.path.exists(cfg): tornado.options.parse_config_file(cfg)
[docs] def parse_command_line(self): '''Parse the command line arguments to set different configuration values.''' tornado.options.parse_command_line()
[docs] def initialize_logging(self): '''Initialize the python logging system. It is difficult to check whether the logging system is already initialized, so we are currently only checking if a :class:`TimedRotatingFileHandler` has already been added to the `root` logger. This should only be necessary when running unittests though.''' root = logging.getLogger() hdlrs = [h for h in root.handlers if isinstance(h, SupercellLoggingHandler)] if len(hdlrs) == 0: root.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.config.loglevel)) root.addHandler(SupercellLoggingHandler(self.config.logfile))
[docs] def bootstrap(self): '''Implement this method in order to manipulate the configuration paths, e.g..''' pass
[docs] def run(self): '''Implement this method in order to add handlers and managed objects to the environment, before the app is started.''' pass
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