Getting Started

This guide will help you get started with a simple Hello World Supercell project.


Supercell applications use Tornado as a HTTP server, Schematics for dealing with representations, and Scales for metrics.

Project structure

A typical supercell application is structured in submodules:

  • app
    • api - representations
    • core - domain implementation, i.e. crud operatios on representations
    • health - health checks
    • handler - request handler
    • provider - custom providers if any
    • consumer - custom consumers if any
    • - the service class
    • - the configuration


Start with creating a file:

from tornado.options import define

define('default_name', 'Hello %s', help='Default name')
define('template', 'main.html', help='Tornado template file')

Here we are only defining the configuration names and their default configuration values. Shortly we will se the different ways to really set the configuraion.

Create a service class

The service class is the part of the application defining it’s handlers and startup behaviour. For this purpose we start with a very simple class:

import supercell.api as s

class MyService(s.Service):

    def bootstrap(self):

    def run(self):
        # nothing done yet

def main():

This class is not doing too much for now. Basically it only handles the order in which configuration files are being parsed. Right now supercell will parse the following files in that order:

  1. $PWD/etc/config.cfg
  2. $PWD/etc/$USER_$HOSTNAME.cfg
  3. /etc/hello-world/config.cfg
  4. /etc/hello-world/$USER_$HOSTNAME.cfg

After all these files were parsed, one may still overwrite the values using the command line parameters.

Assume we have this entry point in the

hello-world = helloworld.service:main

we can start the application with something like hello-world. In order to debug configuration settings you have the following command line parameters at hand:

# see the config file name you have to generate for this machine
$ hello-world --show-config-name

# see the order in which the files would be parsed
$ hello-world --show-config-file-order

# see the effective configuration
$ hello-world --show-config


Now we create the model for the application:

from schematics.models import Model
from schematics.types import StringType, IntType

class Saying(Model):

    id = IntType()
    content = StringType()

There is nothing special to it assuming you have some knowledge on schematics. We simply have a Saying model that contains an id as integer and some content as a string.

Request Handler

The request handler is very similar to a Tornado handler, except it also takes care of de-/serializing in- and output:

class HelloWorld(s.RequestHandler):

    def counter(self):
        if not hasattr(self.__class__, '_counter'):
            self.__class__._counter = 0
        return self.__class__._counter or 0

    def counter(self, value):
        self.__class__._counter = value

    def get(self):
        self.counter += 1
        name = self.get_argument('name', self.config.default_name)
        content = self.render_string(self.config.template, name)
        raise s.Return(Saying(id=self.counter, content=content))

Ok, let’s get through this example step by step. The s.provides decorator tells supercell the content type, that this handler should return. In this case a predefined one (s.MediaType.ApplicationJson) that will transform the returned model as application/json.

The counter property is a simple wrapper around a class level variable that stores the overall counter. Keep in mind that for each request a new instance of the handler class is created, so a simple instance variable would always be 0.

The s.async decorator is a simple wrapper for the two Tornado decorators web.asynchronous and gen.coroutine. With the new coroutine decorator Tornado can now make use of the concurrent.Futures of Python 3.3 and the backported library for Python < 3.

Now we only have to add the request handler to the service implementation:

class MyService(s.Service):

    def run(self):
        self.environment.add_handler('/hello-world', HelloWorld)

Start the application and point your browser to http://localhost:8080/hello-world to see the response. The id is growing on every request and to change the output you may add the name parameter: http://localhost:8080/hello-world?name=you

See example/ for the full example code.

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