
Logging with supercell is configured with two simple configuration options: the logfile defines the file to which the logs are written. By default it is named root.log and does a daily log rotation for 10 days.

The second configuration sets the loglevel. This can be on of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, i.e. any valid default Python logging.level value.

The default logging implementation is simply adding a supercell.SupercellLoggingHandler and sets the loglevel on the root logger. We also disable the tornado.log module, so that it does not add its own handler. The SupercellLoggingHandler is simply a TimedRotatingFileHandler with some default values like number of backups and rotation interval and it sets the logging format.

Custom logging

If the default logging does not fit your need, you may simply overwrite the initialize_logging method of your Service implementation.

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